Overweight-obesity in Children and Adolescents Aged 6 to 17 in Moncton, Canada

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  • Michelle ARSENAULT
  • Noureddine MENADI
  • Slimane BELBRAOUET




Obesity and overweight are a public health problem not only in adults but also in children and adolescents. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity and its relationship with certain risk factors in children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 years in the region of Greater Moncton (Canada). Methods: The size and weight of the subjects are collected through the general selfadministered questionnaire. BMI is extrapolated on growth curves based on the age of the CDC. Results: 3.8% subjects fall into the category under weight, 80.6% in the category healthy weight, 10.3% in the category overweight, 5.3% in the category obesity and 15.6% in the combined category (overweight and obesity). Conclusion: This study helped highlight that rates of obesity and overweight combined exceed not only the national rate but closer rates found among Aboriginal people living off-reserve.


Arsenault, M., Menadi, N., & Belbraouet, S. (2021). Overweight-obesity in children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 in Moncton, Canada. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences (EPHELS), 2, 1-4




How to Cite

ARSENAULT, M., MENADI, N., & BELBRAOUET, S. (2022). Overweight-obesity in Children and Adolescents Aged 6 to 17 in Moncton, Canada. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences, 2, 1–4. https://doi.org/10.55549/ephels.13


