The Urgency of Anti-Sexual Violence Education for Higher Education Students
Sexual violence constitutes a crime against humanity in numerous nations, including Indonesia. Numerous incidents of sexual violence have occurred in the realm of education, particularly in higher education, which should be a safe environment for students to study. The purpose of this study is to delve deeper into the urgency of anti-sexual violence education in higher education. The method employed in this study was a qualitative method with a literature study approach. The results of this study showed that anti-sexual violence education in higher education is very important because there are many cases of sexual violence in Indonesia which involve various components in higher education. The forms of anti-sexual violence education efforts can be carried out by developing anti-sexual violence learning models in higher education and through various programs that encourage the active involvement of students in efforts to support anti-sexual violence. The researchers of this study concluded that education on anti-sexual violence for students in higher education is highly important and can be implemented in a variety of ways to strengthen students' knowledge and involvement in dealing with various cases of sexual violence.Downloads
How to Cite
Iman-Nurchotimah, A. S., Sapriya, S., Nurbayani, S., & Fitriasari, S. (2023). The Urgency of Anti-Sexual Violence Education for Higher Education Students. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences, 12, 71–75.
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