ECG Tools for Cancer Screening
Various cancers can be screened quickly by detection of visible and invisible abnormal findings appearing at ECGs. Data were statistically processed using variation and regression analyses. Evaluation of statistical reliability for the groups studied was made according to the p-value for the meaning of chi-square, and differences were considered significant at р<0.05. In the group was included 31 individuals without cancer and 67 persons with different types of cancer. p- wave may be use with an insignificantly degree of probability as a predictor of cancer for women. QRS complex may be used as an additional indicator of cancer for men. Dividing the groups by sex showed the presence of statistically significant difference between the mathematical expectations for the groups. The results showed that obtained logistic regression model possessed good abilities for cancer prediction among men, based on the ECG.Downloads
How to Cite
Atanasova, G. (2023). ECG Tools for Cancer Screening. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences, 12, 49–56.
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