Assessment of Occupational Risks Associated with Chemical Reagents in the Hemobiology Laboratory of an Eastern Algerian University Hospital Center
The variety and diversity of chemicals handled in hospital laboratories make it imperative to conduct periodic risk assessments for enhanced protection of medical personnel and the implementation of an appropriate prevention policy. It is within this context that our study was conducted in the hemobiology laboratories of an eastern Algerian university hospital center. We employed a semi-quantitative assessment method tailored to the specificities of hospitals. An inventory of chemical agents was conducted using data collection sheets detailing the product names, quantities, and frequencies of use. Relying on information from the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and associated pictograms.We characterized the hazards posed by these chemicals and prioritized their associated risks. The hemobiology laboratory staff use 49 chemical reagents, with 28% of them considered hazardous, demanding appropriate safety precautions. The study highlighted the significance of systemic and local cutaneous effects, such as sensitivity (94.6%). Ocular risk, with severe injuries, was caused by 33.3% of the reagents. Seventeen reagents could lead to respiratory systemic effects. Ten reagents posed a carcinogenic, mutagenic, and reprotoxic (CMR) risk, such as Chloroform, Formaldehyde, ADVIA Perox 1, ADVIA Perox 2, ADVIA Perox 3. This evaluation has highlighted the multiple health risks faced by the personnel in the hemobiology laboratory. It is imperative to establish a comprehensive strategy for managing occupational risks to ensure the long-term protection of the workers.Downloads
How to Cite
Moufida, G., Djoumana, C., Meriem, K., Sara, C., & Nadia, T. B. (2023). Assessment of Occupational Risks Associated with Chemical Reagents in the Hemobiology Laboratory of an Eastern Algerian University Hospital Center . The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences, 12, 31–36.
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