The Effect of Education on a Healthy and Clean Life

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  • Erol Kocoglu



When it comes to the institutions that provide health services in the world, the first ones that come to mind come to mind for the organizations for medical organization. However, together with these organizations, it provides health services in organizations operating for economic, cultural, social and educational purposes. The point to be discussed here should be the form and level of healthcare provision, rather than determining the institutions that provide healthcare services. In determining and evaluating these levels, it can be said that the effect of the education that the individuals who are administrators of the organizations receive and try to implement come to the fore. Individuals need to be educated in a multidimensional way in order to raise awareness about every situation they will encounter in their education life and future life. The importance of this requirement has emerged during the epidemic that has affected the world for the last year. In order to facilitate the struggle with this and similar processes, the individual should receive training around the discipline or learning areas with the theme of healthy and clean life at all educational levels starting from preschool education. In this study, a meeting was held with university lecturers, who are field experts, through an interview form regarding the effect of education on healthy and clean life, and the results were presented in figures after being evaluated with content analysis. Looking at the results of the study, it can be said that different perspectives on the subject have emerged.


To cite this article:

Kocoglu, E. (2021). The effect of education on a healthy and clean life. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences (EPHELS), 1, 52-56.




How to Cite

Kocoglu, E. (2021). The Effect of Education on a Healthy and Clean Life. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences, 1, 52–56.


