Prevalance of Hereditary Disorders in Imported Brown Swiss Bull Sperms throughout Ten-Year Period
The purpose of this study was to determine hereditary defects of frozen Brown Swiss bull sperms imported to Turkiye during the period between 2013 and 2022. The data were obtained from website of General Directorate of Livestock of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. The hereditary status of each imported bull was examined on various website producing bull sperms or including their databases. Totally, 37 of 375 bulls whose frozen sperms imported to Turkiye carry at least one genetic defect. A total of 30 bulls carried Braunvieh Haplotype 2 which was the most prevalent disorders among examined ones. The carried bulls were reported to be originated from USA, Germany and Italy respectively. The study was first to examine occurrence of hereditary disorders of imported Brown Swiss bull sperms in Turkiye. The result of this study would be a beneficial for authorities to make more precautions during importing frozen bull sperms against genetic pollution.Downloads
How to Cite
Cam, M., & Inal, S. (2023). Prevalance of Hereditary Disorders in Imported Brown Swiss Bull Sperms throughout Ten-Year Period. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences, 11, 19–21.
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