Investigation of Association between Alzheimer Disease and Glymphatic System
Novel studies indicated that brain metabolic derivatives clearance is provided by s system called glymphatic (glia+lymphatic) system. Glymphatic system drainage works thanks to arterial pulsation and clear out brain wastes via AQP4 channels localized at astrocytes endfeet. Dysfunction of this system associated with senescence and several pathologies. One of those disease is Alzheimer’s Disease. This study objected to determine the relation between glymphatic system and Alzheimer’s Disease in accordance with previous studies. Method: Data was collected from “Google Scholar” and “Pubmed” publishments drafted by related professionals between 2011-2023 years. Results: Our results indicated that Alzheimer’s Disease and glymphatic system tightly associated each other. It was observed that during Alzheimer’s Disease glymphatic flux diminished and AQP4 expression levels were decreased, and localization disrupted. Thus, we suggest that glymphatic system inducing treatment or methods might be beneficial for preventive of Alzheimer’s Disease.Downloads
How to Cite
Cigel, A., & Eroglu, H. A. (2023). Investigation of Association between Alzheimer Disease and Glymphatic System. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences, 9, 21–23.
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