Formulation and Evaluation of a Disinfectant Solution Based on Natural Products

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  • Ouarda BENAZIZ
  • Mohamed OTSMANE
  • Nassim ZOUBIRI



Hands are the main mode of transmission of microorganisms. Hand hygiene is considered the most effective measure of general precautions in the prevention of microbial contamination. The hydroalcoholic solution containing a high concentration of alcohol can cause a burning sensation and marginal irritation of the skin. This is precisely the main reason for the need for a disinfectant solution but which does not have the disadvantages of the hydroalcoholic solution and it is the objective of our end-of-studies dissertation which is the formulation of a disinfectant solution based on essential oils by comparing its effectiveness with the hydroalcoholic solution. In order to measure the antibacterial effect, we performed the aromatogram technique on the hydroalcoholic solution as well as on ours based on essential oils, the effect of which is assessed by measuring the diameter of an area of inhibition. The result obtained allowed us to confirm that the hydroalcoholic solution is effective but it causes skin irritation, while our natural solution has proven to be very interesting for its antibacterial power and its moisturizing effect with aloe Vera.


Benaziz, O, Otsmane,M, & Zoubiri, N. (2022). Formulation and evaluation of a disinfectant solution based on natural products. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences (EPHELS), 7, 17-21.




How to Cite

BENAZIZ, O., OTSMANE, M., & ZOUBIRI, N. (2023). Formulation and Evaluation of a Disinfectant Solution Based on Natural Products. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences, 7, 17–21.


