Understanding Factors Affecting the Use of Mobile Health Innovation, Attitude and Synthesis

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  • Sami S. BINYAMIN




Advancements in information and communication technologies have positively affected various sectors, and healthcare is no exception. Healthcare industry has been affected by smartphones that caused the use of mobile phones for providing healthcare services, which is known as Mobile health (mHealth). Regardless the benefits of mHealth, the success of this technology ultimately depends on public acceptance. Therefore, the objective of this research is to evaluate the acceptance of mHealth applications. An online survey was employed to collect data related to the variables in the conceptual model. This study utilizes the multivariate PLS-SEM method to evaluate the suggested model. The results indicate that four factors are important for the acceptance of mHealth: perceived usefulness, subjective norms, facilitating conditions and attitude toward behavior. In conclusion, the four factors are important, and decision makers should pay more attention to them to improve the public acceptance of mHealth.


Binyamin, S. S. (2022). Understanding factors affecting the use of mobile health innovation, attitude and synthesis. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences (EPHELS), 7, 1-7.




How to Cite

BINYAMIN, S. S. (2023). Understanding Factors Affecting the Use of Mobile Health Innovation, Attitude and Synthesis. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences, 7, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.55549/ephels.41


