Are You Willing to Vaccinate Your Children? Using Covid Risk Perception, Hesitate to Vaccinate, Covid Conspiracy Belief, and Vaccine Attitude to Assess Children's Vaccination Intentions

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  • Lusy Asa AKHRANI
  • Cintya Feronika MANURUNG
  • Muhammad Ardhian NOORSY
  • Dorisko SLAMET



Children are vulnerable to the spread of the omicron variant of the covid-19 virus. Childhood vaccination inability will lead to low vaccination uptake, trying to make herd immunity difficult to achieve. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of the covid-19 conspiracy belief, perception of covid risk, vaccine hesitancy, and vaccine attitude for children in the intention to vaccinate children. Purposive sampling was used in this study, with the criteria of parents with children aged 6 to 11 years. This study's respondents amounted to 242 people, and research conducted in Indonesia. Path regression is the analysis technique used. According to the result of this research, this study proves that there is a significant direct and indirect role between belief in the covid-19 conspiracy, perception of covid risk, and vaccine hesitancy for children play a significant role in the intention to vaccinate children. Meanwhile, vaccine attitude has not been proven to play a role in parents' intention to vaccinate their children. The covid conspiracy belief, like the vaccine attitude, has not been proven to play a direct role in vaccine intention, but it has been shown to play a significant role in vaccine intention through covid risk perception and vaccine hesitancy. Based on research evidence, it is recommended that parents select COVID-19-related news with caution in order to guarantee their children's safety and health.


Akhrani L.A., Manurung C.F., Noorsy M.A., & Slamet, D. (2022). Are you willing to vaccinate your children? Using covid risk perception, hesitate to vaccinate, covid conspiracy belief, and vaccine attitude to assess children's vaccination intentions. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences (EPHELS), 6, 11-13.




How to Cite

AKHRANI, L. A., MANURUNG, C. F., NOORSY, M. A., & SLAMET, D. (2022). Are You Willing to Vaccinate Your Children? Using Covid Risk Perception, Hesitate to Vaccinate, Covid Conspiracy Belief, and Vaccine Attitude to Assess Children’s Vaccination Intentions. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences, 6, 11–23.


