Study of the Effect of Massage Therapy on Serum Cortisol Concentration in a Patient with Chronic Stress
Stress is a condition that occurs when external or internal influences (stressors) are damaging or unusual in strength, which disrupt the homeostasis of the human organism. Cortisol is the glucocorticoid, which under the influence of stress factors increases its secretion more than 10 times. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of massage therapy on serum cortisol concentration in patients with chronic stress. Material and methods: the study refers to a 3-month follow-up of a 32-year-old male patient with high serum cortisol levels. PSS – 10 (Perceived Stress scale) was used, serum cortisol was measured immunometrically with chemiluminescent labeling. Two courses of ten procedures were conducted with massage (classical or Chinese) therapy in the cervical-thoracic area. Results: Reduction of serum cortisol levels, reduction of pain symptoms, subjective and objective management of stressors. Conclusion: Massage therapy appears to be an effective method of managing stress and the pain symptoms associated with it.Downloads
How to Cite
Ahmed, V., & Marinova, D. (2024). Study of the Effect of Massage Therapy on Serum Cortisol Concentration in a Patient with Chronic Stress. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences, 16, 35–41.
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