Epidemiological, Clinical and Therapeutic Profile of Rectal Adenocarcinomas Treated in the Radiotherapy Department of EHSO Emir Abdelkader
Rectal cancer is classified among the most common cancers in the world, the second most common digestive cancer in Algeria; however its incidence in our country remains lower than that of western countries. The interest of this article is the retrospective analysis of the epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic aspects of malignant tumors of the rectum managed in the department of the EHS oncology Emir Abdelkader in Oran, Algeria. Concomitant preoperative radio chemotherapy is the standard treatment for locally advanced rectal adenocarcinomas; however it can be carried out postoperatively if the initial stage of the disease is underestimated. We conducted a retrospective epidemiological, clinical, anatomopathological, therapeutic and prognosis study at the radiotherapy department of the EHS oncology Emir Abdelkader in Oran over a period of 6 years from January 2017 to December 2019 involving 70 patients taken in charge during this period. This hypo fractionated irradiation regimen at a dose of 39 Gray could be a therapeutic alternative in the preoperative situation for locally advanced rectal tumors with promising results in terms of effectiveness and an acceptable toxicity profile.Downloads
How to Cite
Afaf, B. (2024). Epidemiological, Clinical and Therapeutic Profile of Rectal Adenocarcinomas Treated in the Radiotherapy Department of EHSO Emir Abdelkader. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences, 16, 7–10. https://doi.org/10.55549/ephels.136
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