The Effect of Corn Cob Powder and Oat Fibre Incorporation in Physicochemical Properties and Sensory Acceptance of Otak-Otak
Otak-otak is well-known as a traditional local food in Malaysia. It is made from fish meat, tapioca flour, and many spices. This study investigates the effect of corn cob powder and oat fibre incorporation on the physicochemical properties and sensory acceptance of otak-otak with different formulations. The formulations used control A (100% tapioca flour), B (0% CCP: 100% oat fibre), C (25% CCP: 75% oat fibre), D (50% CCP: 50% oat fibre), E (75% CCP: 25% oat fibre), and F (100% CCP: 0% oat fibre). The proximate analysis showed that otak-otak incorporated with CCP and oat fibre significantly differed (p<0.05) regarding crude fibre and fat. Physical analysis showed that the colour of the otak-otak for L* value ranges from 53.71 to 57.58, a* value ranges from 13.15 to 15.10, b* value ranges from 32.80 to 35.21 and the ΔE 0.96 to 4.86. For texture profile analysis, the hardness ranges from 2147.60 to 5006.00 (g), springiness ranges from 0.39 to 0.66 (mm), cohesiveness ranges from 0.35 to 0.48, and chewiness ranges from 370.40 to 1459.90 (gf). For sensory evaluation, the control formulation still the highest chosen by the panellist but has no significant difference (p<0.05) with formulation E (75% CCP: 25% oat fibre) and formulation C (25% CCP: 75% oat fibre). Therefore, from this study, we successfully developed otak-otak by adding corn cob powder and oat fibre.Downloads
How to Cite
Ahmad, F., & Sapiee, M. H. (2024). The Effect of Corn Cob Powder and Oat Fibre Incorporation in Physicochemical Properties and Sensory Acceptance of Otak-Otak. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences, 13, 32–39.
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