Teacher Perceptions on Covid-19 Pandemic and Vaccination in Turkey

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  • Erol Kocoglu




Most of the world to continue Covidien-19 outbreak influence and protection against epidemics aimed at reducing the impact of the strengthening pandemic immunization efforts is greater than last year in Turkey is one of the problems keeping its actuality. This is to completely eliminate the problems of the world in Turkey was put immediately into practice several measures, such as the measures taken in other countries. Although these practices have turned the direction of daily case and mortality figures into negative, it cannot be said that a clear goal has been achieved at the desired level. In addition, vaccination studies, which started within the framework of the epidemic, have remarkably affected the society's attitude towards the epidemic. Although the effect of these dimensions covers many aspects of life, it can be said that it is seen in people who are more isolated in their social life and fear of loneliness causes psychological disturbances. In this study, the perceptions of educators regarding the Covidien-19 outbreak and vaccination efforts in Turkey were evaluated. These trainers, Turkey constitutes teachers working in different regions. Opinions of teachers on the subject of study were taken from the virtual environment in various ways (mail, zoom, Google meet, etc.) and evaluated. In the evaluation, it can be said that remarkable results were obtained.


To cite this article:

Kocoglu, E. (2021). Teacher perceptions on Covid-19 pandemic and vaccination in Turkey. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences (EPHELS), 1, 61-65.




How to Cite

Kocoglu, E. (2021). Teacher Perceptions on Covid-19 Pandemic and Vaccination in Turkey. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences, 1, 61–65. https://doi.org/10.55549/ephels.10


